PAUL N LARSEN, Executive Coach, Leadership Speaker and Facilitator announces 3 New Learning Events for 2019:
Effective leaders understand how powerful an opportunity can be when they can tap into the intelligence, wisdom, and innovation present in their workforce. Conversational leadership provides the space and infrastructure for knowledge sharing to take place; for employees, stakeholders, and the community to be involved in discussing big, important questions; and to generate solutions that people within the organization can act on.
Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It’s a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your EQ, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions of yourself and others, that will determine how successful you are in life.
We have all worked with and listened to brilliant people. Some of them were great and… well, some were not so great. The mean and the meek and all those in between can teach us more than they realize. When we look at the truly extraordinary people who inspire and make a difference you will see that they do this by connecting with people at a personal and emotional level. What differentiated them was not their IQ but their EQ – their emotional intelligence.
Coach, Mentor, Role Model, Supporter, Guide… do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being able to draw from several disciplines. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Mentorship is a related skill that is often a part of coaching. It’s about being a guide, offering wisdom and advice when it is needed. Knowing how and when to coach (and when to use other tools, like mentoring) is an essential skill that can benefit both your leaders, your teams and your organization. |
To learn how to bring these learning events to your organization so that they can make a positive and lasting impact on your leaders and your teams contact Paul at:
In addition, Paul offers a variety of other customized coaching and learning activities to meet the challenging needs of today’s global leadership community. Contact him directly for more information.
About Paul N Larsen:
The author of the award-winning leadership book, Find Your VOICE as a Leader™, Paul N Larsen, MA, CPPC, is an accredited executive coach and a game-changing leadership consultant and speaker. As a former C-suite executive for a 3-billion-dollar corporation, Paul has over 3 decades of success in harnessing his inner imposter in senior leadership positions at such iconic organizations as Adobe Systems, Charles Schwab, United Airlines and Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Paul has coached over 500 successful leaders worldwide to find and use their confident voice to express a deliberate and purposeful vision for themselves and their organizations. As a contributing member of the Forbes Coaches Council Paul brings an exceptional and unique style and expertise to all of his engagements.
Paul N Larsen, Find Your VOICE as a Leader™, San Francisco, CA USA 1.415.265.3787