Partner With Paul
Choose From A Variety Of Leadership Coaching Programs To Help You Find Your VOICE & Create A Purposeful & Compelling Legacy

One-On-One Coaching For Senior Leaders

Group Coaching Programs For Managers

Cross-Functional Team Collaboration Workshops
How Do You Know That You Are Ready For Coaching?
Reflect On These Questions To Access Your Readiness To Start On A Meaningful Coaching Partnership:
Are you satisfied with what you have accomplished in your life so far?
What is the legacy you want to create with your life?
What is your purpose for wanting a coaching partnership? Why now?
What specific outcomes are you looking for from a coaching partnership?
How coachable are you and how do you know that you are coachable?
What are your expectations from a coach?
When you are stuck, what gets you unstuck?
What are your strengths and how do you know?
What are your weaknesses and how do you know?
What is the one thing you should start doing to be more successful?
What is the one thing you should stop doing to be more successful?
What are your triggers that create a strong reaction?
In one word, who are you and in one word, who do you want to be?
If you had to create a title for your life up to this point, what would it be?
Coaching requires taking small steps outside your comfort zone. When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?
How do you know that you can be comfortable being uncomfortable?