Find Your Deliberate VOICE of Kindness:

Everyday we are inundated with news reports that demonstrate the “VUCA” environment that best describes our global community.

The “Volatility, Uncertainly, Complexity and Ambiguity” of our world  requires us to develop a very disciplined and deliberate filter so that we lessen the impact the 24-hour news cycle has on our emotional well being.

Through a friends post on a social media outlet, I happen to come across this Kindness Calendar which simply and powerfully outlines one kind act a day we can choose to demonstrate during the month of December. I recognize that kindness and empathy are traits we should all demonstrate on an ongoing basis, but I thought the deliberate and disciplined approach of purposefully practicing one act of kindness or gratitude a day was a brilliant way to start the month of December and a brilliant way to conclude 2018.

Of course you can customize your own daily habit or task to practice kindness with yourself and your community, but for a quick and easy-to-use resource with great ideas, check out this Kindness Calendar from Action For Happiness and get ready to spread kindness and gratitude around this season.

And I challenge you to make December a month of kindness and to carry it forward into 2019!

#FindYourVoice #ItsYourChoice