Find Your VOICE As A Leader

As an executive coach, Paul Larsen partners with leaders across all industries and within all types of organizations to help leaders find their own unique voice. Paul has found that one result of the politics and structures of organizations is that the creative talents—or voices—of leaders are stifled into an expected pattern of behavior. Leaders learn quickly that to succeed is to “go with the flow” and not make any waves. And, as a result, their unique voices can be easily silenced. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We are all governed by a set of values that act as our “inner GPS.” Leaders who identify their core set of values and lead out front with their values are more confident, more courageous and more influential than leaders who do not. Values are more than just a “set of words on a laminated card,” they are the core DNA of every leader and are the ingredients of the legacy each leader leaves behind. Leading authentically begins with the leader finding his or her own, unique voice as a leader. To “Find Your VOICE as a Leader” is to:
- Discover your critical leadership VALUES.
- Create a compelling vision to get the OUTCOMES you desire.
- Build relationships with INFLUENCE and credibility.
- Make decisions that reveal your COURAGE to take a stand.
- Communicate your overall EXPRESSION for lasting impact.
As a leader, what is your purpose, what is your legacy, what is your VOICE?