Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: How to Lead With Authenticity During This Time of Uncertainty
PLAY Check-out my recent interview with Becky Robinson of Weaving Influence on her show, The Daily Connection! Impostor syndrome is when you feel like a fake or a fraud in whatever you're doing or when you feel you don't belong. It can be the gap between how you see...
Podcast: Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Right before #COVID19, I was honored to be interviewed by the talented Precious Price for her podcast, The Strategy Behind Branding Yourself. During our #PandemicPause, listen to our engaging conversation and hear some best practices of how to find your voice and...
My Gift to You: A Free Coaching Session
My parents were wonderful role models and coached me on the meaning of #payingitforward especially during times of uncertainty. So for all that are interested, I am offering you a *complimentary* 45min one-on-one private coaching session. Potential topics we...
Everybody Deserves a Little Cookie-Magic!
This past week, I was blessed to spend my birthday in sunny Hawaii. As I woke up that day, I was excited to think that I could spend my special day doing anything I wanted in one of the most beautiful settings our world has to offer. I could eat what I wanted. I could...