While my handmade “stage shoes” from Ecuador are indeed colorful, you need more than vibrant clothing to stand-out as a successful leader in our age of constant disruption. You need to author a distinct and personal leadership brand by taking deliberate and purposeful steps that align to your future vision and desired legacy.

When I introduce myself as an executive coach, I often hear the response:  “I need a coach” or “I want a coach” based on what has happened to them in the past…i.e. their past behaviors or feedback they have received.

But coaching is not a therapy session nor should it be focused on our past. The past cannot be changed. Our current and future hold all of our leadership potential. And enrolling in a one-on-one executive coaching partnership can unleash your potential via a disciplined and accountable process.

At the recent DoGood Leadership Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, one of our key sponsors, Leaderonomics, had the chance to catch a few moments with me to talk about my philosophy around coaching.Coaching is all about what your current environment is like, your current landscape, and how you can use a coaching partnership to transition into a successful future vision of who you want to be.

Coaching focuses on product development, it is just that the special product we are focused on is you.

It is important to always remember when it comes to coaching goals and outcomes─ it is not about telling someone what to do, but it is about asking the right questions to obtain the right outcomes to align with their goals and vision.

Thus, coaching is all about moving forward from your current environment into the future.

So what are you waiting for…let’s get moving!

Watch my short ‘n sweet “Leadership Nugget” below and then contact me info on my disruptive leadership coaching programs for individuals and teams: